Extracted from the 2007 CAMBRIDGE TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Annual Report to
“For several years CTAC has been and is still currently concerned with the abuse of trails by ATV’s and other non-authorized motorized vehicles. The destruction it causes to trails and surrounding natural areas, and the potential impact to trail user safety and municipal liability/ risk management issues is problematic with no easy solution. CTAC is disappointed with the amount of monitoring and enforcement initiative put forward not only by our municipal forces but also by the Police and other jurisdictional agencies / property owners, especially in known ‘hot spots’ of such illegal use and abuse.
Towards this end, CTAC will be reviewing the City’s Parks By-Law, with the intent of recommending changes to strengthen the legal aspects of enforcement, including the option of fines. CTAC will also investigate and recommend strategies to Council on enforcement to help reduce non-legal motorized use of vehicles on trails.
CTAC hopes to have recommendations before Council on this matter by the June of next year…”
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